BLOG :: An UPrising!
Join the UPrising!
More and more of our community is reaching out to one another. So, are we. With every card deck purchased, a Doodlisms™ card (from a new deck) is mailed to a friend or loved one that you nominate. Make sure to include the name of the person, plus their address in the comments when you order. Or feel free to call us directly and we'll send it out right away.
What better way to tell someone you care, or to lift them up, than to surprise him or her with a chuckle and a dash of encouragement spiced with inspiration—a Doodlisms card™!
And, just so you know. ALL our mailing lists are strictly private. Nothing is shared. Ever.
Off to send some cards to unsuspecting recipients. Wish we could see their faces when they open their surprise : )
Doodlisms™ Decks Have Landed!
When Is It Good Enough?
After months of design, production, and printing challenges, including hiccups and at times screaming obstacles, the decks are now officially in stock. How thrilling! However, during the process I asked myself the following question many times: When is it good enough?
Immersed in the task of creating something new, many of us can be plagued with that simple question, 'Is it good enough?' And, depending upon our definition, it can lead to a hearty dose of perfectionism resulting in a full-on assault of the never-being-happy virus. Sigh.
Launching a product based on my creative endeavors placed that phrase, "When is it good enough?” to the ultimate self test. Can you hear me roar? Actually, it’s more like a wimpy whiny screech of frustration. And, the ensuing comments, “But it’s not good enough” and “it’s taking too long” and “that gloss doesn’t meet my vision” and “that card stock is too flimsy,” and “it's too blue", and "I’m on a deadline," flooded my sanity for several weeks. Fortunately, I began to recognize the symptoms and tackled the spread of dis-ease ; )
It's been a case of identifying what is really important: What needs attention now vs what can be addressed in the next print run, or accomplished in a new edition. It's been an incredible journey to get to the beginning.
And there's so much more to come from Doodlisms™. Exciting doesn't even begin to describe it. In the meantime, here is a new stack of Doodlisms™ decks, happily shrink-wrapped and nestled in their individual boxes, before being shipped to their new homes.
Card Decks Coming! Exciting News!
It has been quite the journey, bringing to life this first deck of cards. Exhilarating, exciting, stressful, amazing, and plenty of opportunities to navigate a slew of road bumps. Mostly, I have needed to keep the faith. Faith in myself. To know I could achieve it.
My doodle passion re-emerged last year. My favorite brother, ok my only brother : ) was going through rather steep challenges in his life. He lives half way across the world and I couldn't just pop in and visit, or take him to lunch or a movie to cheer him up. I started sending him cards every week and would add a drawing, or doodle, to show him some love. Weeks became months and I looked forward to the time spent drawing for him.
Along the way, I discovered that the more I doodled, the more ideas poured in from every direction—including creating and designing a deck of cards. I jumped on it whole heartedly and the first creation from Doodlisms was born. A happy baby, with bright eyes, and dimpled cheeks.
We're fast moving beyond the first test print run, or kindergarten, and enjoying high school. Next is college, then the world ; ) What a ride, and we've only just begun.
My dearest wish for you, is that these cards, with each bright little critter, give you a big heart-opening cheerful grin—just as they do for me.
I look forward to bringing you lots more cheerful creativity!